We are a group of academic researchers and practitioners working across a range of areas related to the design, development and evaluation of technologies for disabled and marginalised people. We are particularly interested in education technologies for disabled children, and in exploring how to investigate and realise inclusive designs of accessible and assistive education technologies.

Oussama Metatla
Oussama Metatla is a Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol. His research interests include multisensory interaction, sensory and cognitive impairments and co-designing with and for people with disabilities. He currently leads a project focusing on inclusive educational technology for mixed-ability groups in mainstream schools.
Organiser: CHI2018 Workshop, CHI2019 SIG, IDC2020 Workshop, ICMI2020 Workshop

Émeline Brulé
Émeline Brulé is a Lecturer at University of Sussex. Her research focuses on inclusive design: both in developing new technologies or design frameworks and developing adequate ways of teaching it in higher education.
Organiser: CHI2018 Workshop, CHI2019 SIG, IDC2020 Workshop, ICMI2020 Workshop

Marcos Serrano
Marcos Serrano is assistant professor at the IRIT Lab, University of Toulouse, France. His research is dedicated to designing novel interaction techniques in the field of mobile and ubiquitous computing. His most recent work include map exploration techniques for visually impaired users.
Organiser: CHI2018 Workshop

Anja Thieme
Anja Thieme is a postdoctoral researcher in the Human Experience & Design (HXD) group at Microsoft Research Cambridge. Her research encompasses empathic and socially inclusive approaches to the design and study of digital technology for, and with, people with visual impairments. She has previously been involved in the organisation of seven workshops at CHI, CSCW & DIS
Organiser: CHI2018 Workshop

Christophe Jouffrais
Christophe Jouffrais is a senior CNRS researcher at IRIT, Toulouse, France, with a background in Cognitive Science. His current research focuses on Interactive Technologies for visually impaired people and specialized teachers, with an emphasis on spatial cognition.
Organiser: CHI2018 workshop

Cynthia Bennett
Cynthia Bennett is a PhD candidate in the department of Human Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington. Her dissertation work focuses on increasing the accessibility of design processes. She has been involved in several accessibility projects ranging from designing and testing smartphone apps meant to increase information access for people with vision impairments to bringing disability studies in conversation with HCI to think critically about and open up ways HCI researchers can orient to disability and accessibility.
Organiser: CHI2018 workshop

Stacy Branham
Stacy Branham is a Lecturer and researcher at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC). Her research explores the social dimensions of assistive technology (AT) design for people with disabilities, specifically how to create AT that promotes “interdependence” towards deep social integration and mixed-ability.
Organiser: CHI2018 workshop

Shaun Kane
Shaun Kane is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. His research explores accessible input and interaction methods, with a focus on touch interaction and tangible computing.
Organiser: CHI2018 workshop

Ahmed Kharuffa
Ahmed Kharuffa is a lecturer in Interaction Design at Open Lab, Newcastle University. He iis leading the educational technology research at Open Lab and his research in this area focuses on the design, development, implementation, and evaluation of processes and technologies than can bridge the gap between schools and their communities as well as to enhance learning and the learning experience. His research and interest in the area of interaction design, on the other hand, ranges from improving our experience in interacting with digital surfaces, spaces and the IoT to rethinking the design of, and interaction patterns with, online platforms and services.
Organiser: CHI2019 SIG

Katta Spiel
Katta Spiel is a Postdoctoral Researcher in Playful Physical Computing with KU Leuven and University of Vienna, where they investigate the play preferences of neurodivergent people. Their broader research agenda centers marginalised perspectives in design with a focus on gender and disability.
Orgnaiser: CHI2019 SIG, IDC2020 Workshop

Charlotte Robinson
Charlotte Robinson is a lecturer at University of Sussex. Her research focuses on Animal-Computer Interaction.
Organiser: CHI2019 SIG

Seray Ibrahim
Seray Ibrahim is a research fellow at the UCL Institute of Education and a Speech-Language Therapist. Seray’s PhD research investigated communication in children with severe speech and physical impairments with the view to informing ways of designing technologies for communication.
Organiser: IDC2020 Workshop

Laura Benton
Laura Benton is a research associate at the UCL Institute of Education. Her research focuses on education technology design for children and she has worked on several projects using design approaches such as participatory design and design-based research, including iRead, iLearnRW and ScratchMaths.
Organiser: IDC2020 Workshop

Anthony Hornof
Anthony Hornof is a Professor of Computer and Information Science at the University of
Oregon. He works in two very different areas of human-computer interaction: (a) predicting aspects of usability through the development of computational psychological models of the human as an information processor, and (b) developing assistive technology with and for people with severe cognitive and motor impairments.
Organiser: IDC2020 Workshop

Erin Beneteau
Erin Beneteau is a PhD candidate at the iSchool, University of Washington and a Speech- Language Therapist. Her research interests include communication interactions between chil- dren, their families, and technologies. Her thesis research focuses on creative pursuits and people who use assistive technologies.
Organiser: IDC2020 Workshop

Nikoleta Yiannoutsou
Nikoleta Yiannoutsou is a Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission and a honorary Senior Research Fellow at the UCL Knowledge Lab. Her research focuses on the design of digital technologies for children’s learning. Her recent work at UCL involved design based research of multisensory technologies with visually impaired children.
Organiser: IDC2020 Workshop

Feng Feng
Feng Feng is a research associate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol. Her research is concerned with understanding how perception, action and cognition are laced together. Her projects fall into two areas: multi-sensory embodiment and human-computer interaction, and unified by a focus on gestural input activities and, in particular, on the integration process between tactile, auditory and visual perception, and how this process facilitates interaction with both rigid and soft interfaces.
Organiser: ICMI2020 Workshop

Michael J Proulx
Michael J Proulx is a Reader in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. He is also the founding Deputy Director of the REVEAL (REal and Virtual Environments Augmentation Labs) Research Center in Computer Science, and Director of the Crossmodal Cognition Laboratory. His research includes vision impairment, multi-sensory perception, neural plasticity, cognition and interactive technologies such as AR and VR. He also develops and assesses sensory substitution devices, including both auditory and tactile displays.
Organiser: ICMI2020 Workshop

Anne Roudaut
Anne Roudaut is a Reader in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Bristol.
She leads the Bristol Interaction Group and is promoting a highly multi-disciplinary research agenda to radically rethink the way we build digital technologies. She works with researchers from Material Engineering and Robotics to understand the underlying science behind interaction with arbitrary shaped and reconfigurable devices as well as to create the innovative interactive metamaterials that can transform our future interactive landscape.
Organiser: ICMI2020 Workshop

Ana Christina Pires
Ana Cristina Pires is a cognitive psychologist with experience in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). Currently, a PostDoc Researcher in LASIGE, Faculty of Science, University of Lisboa. The great part of her work has been to create educational technologies to foster the acquisition of core skills, such as executive functions, mathematics and computational thinking in children. In the last five years, she has been applying PD approaches with children with visual impairments and stakeholders to design educational technologies.

Isabel Neto
Isabel Neto is a PhD candidate at Lisbon University, Technical Institute. Her work focused on social robotics and how can robots be used to foster inclusion in mixed-visual abilities classrooms. In her research, she combines accessibility, HCI and HRI, practising inclusive design, and co-design with mixed-visual abilities children for novel human-robot interactions.

Juan Pablo Hourcade
Juan Pablo Hourcade is an Associate Professor at The University of Iowa’s Department of Computer Science. He has more than 20 years of experience in the child-computer interaction field and has worked in multiple projects involving participatory design techniques and children with disabilities.